【著名女酒評家 JancisRobinson:Trulysuperb wine!】
【南法Faugeres AOC.70年老樹】
F228x1+F335x1+F218x1 = $495/set only, 平均 $165/支
著名女酒評家 JancisRobinson 剛剛在8月30日出左Report, 當中盛讚Domaine de Cebene 森巴酒莊 “Brigitte Chevalier of Domaine de Cébène makestruly superb wine by any measure” 當中有詳細提及 “Schist/Slate” 石板土壤對葡萄的好處,這正正亦係莊主MsBrigitte 用左2年時間找這塊田的原因!
原文: : https://www.jancisrobinson.com/articles/insisting-schist
【Robert Parker 92-94pts】
【Jancis Robinson:Rugged, wonderful texture, full of life and story, like the hands of an old vigneron】
【Jancis Robinson 17pts】
F228 - Domaine de Cebene Belle Lurette 2015
產區:France/ Languedoc / Faugeres AOC
葡萄品種:90% Carignan, 5%Grenache, 5% Mourvedre,
特色: 人手採摘,70年樹齡
Terrior 風土:100% Slate 石板,在南法專出精品酒的Faugeres AOC,向北的山坡上~ 每朝都會有霧氣,但由於該區通常係吹北風,向北可以保持泥土乾爽~另外,假如葡萄滕吾夠水份,亦會透過穿透性高的Slate 石板深入泥土深處攝取水份,同時增加左葡萄的複雜性
口感: Belle Lurette 用左90%南法著名的葡萄Carignan, 100年樹齡的佳麗釀Carignan老樹就種在酒莊門前的小山坡上,老樹種出來的葡萄能呈現個種“一體化”,Robert Parker 形容得好“No hard edges” , 好似磨滑左的角落頭~ 高樹齡能推高酒的質素,但同時亦大大降低了做酒的效率,對Brigette 追求夢想的人黎講,這些都只係必須要做的!
2016: 甘草,玉桂,花香,入口有種咸柑桔,乾莓,礦物的口感
2015: 好Fresh, 聞落有天然的蜂蜜香甜,好紅果,Cherry, 細緻,最easy drinking,清澈
2013: 較重身和單寧,土多啤梨,藍莓,咖啡,山渣,皮革
醒酒45min 狀態最佳,垂直品鑑(vertical tasting)的精髓在於同一款酒在不同年份有不同感覺,呢款Belle Lurette 絕對俾倒你~ 3支酒都冇放過木桶,但你會好意外點解都可以做倒咁滑!!!
P.S. 建議一次過試,次序由2016,2015,2013,不妨由一開始試一次,每15mins 試一次,每次都有變化
【Robert Parker 92-94pts】
Tasted out of barrel, the 2015 Faugères Belle Lurette should be an incredible wine and a fabulous expression of Carignan. Made from 90% old-vine Carignan and the rest Grenache and Mourvèdre, all from higher-elevation schist soils and aged in stainless steel, it offers full-bodied, deep, rich aromas and flavors of black fruits, spice, new leather and dried violets. The tannin quality is first rate (and with Carignan, that’s not an easy feat). It should drink nicely right out of the gate.
【Robert Parker 92pts】
【連續6年Robert Parker 90pts以上】
【Financial Times & Jancis Robinson:Les Bancels 2015 is the only!】
【Jancis Robinson 17pts】
F218 - Domaine de Cebene Les Bancels 2015
產區:France/ Languedoc / Faugeres AOC
葡萄品種:40% Syrah, 40%Grenache, 10% Mourvedre, 10% Carignan
特色: 人手採摘,70年樹齡
Terrior 風土:100% Slate 石板,在南法專出精品酒的Faugeres AOC,向北的山坡上~ 每朝都會有霧氣,但由於該區通常係吹北風,向北可以保持泥土乾爽~另外,假如葡萄滕吾夠水份,亦會透過穿透性高的Slate 石板深入泥土深處攝取水份,同時增加左葡萄的複雜性
口感: 非常成熟的黑加侖子果香,近乎香水般的香氣,甜甜地好似吹波糖咁酒體明顯比入門版的Ex Arena 強,達Medium + 中上,口感上有種陳年潽洱的茶葉香濃,如果吾係70年樹齡種的葡萄都做吾倒個種“一體化”,Robert Parker 形容得好“No hard edges” , 好似磨滑左的角落頭,順滑到一個點!! 布冧、加上如海水般的礦物感,8-10秒的回甘 莊主Brigitte 強調 “無添加”,即o吾落木桶,用Organic 種植,o吾落肥料,保持原汁原味,原美呈現當地的風土和樹齡!Robert Parker 的Tasting note 提了兩次”Sexy”, 不妨親身感受一下紅酒的性感….~
【Robert Parker 92pts】
Sporting a deep, vibrant color, the 2015 Faugeres les Bancels is a ripe, sexy blend of 40% Syrah, 40% Grenache and 10% each of Mourvèdre and Carignan. Blackberries, crushed rocks, flowers and hints of wild flowers all emerge from this medium to full-bodied, sexy, layered, ripe and decadent beauty that has no hard edges, sweet tannin and a great finish. Don't miss it!
Domaine de Cebene Les Bancels 2014 – Robert Parker 90pts
Domaine de Cebene Les Bancels 2013 –Robert Parker 90pts
Domaine de Cebene Les Bancels 2012 –Robert Parker 90pts
Domaine de Cebene Les Bancels 2011 –Robert Parker 91pts
Domaine de Cebene Les Bancels 2010 –Robert Parker 91pts
【近年Robert Parker 評分高達93+pts】
【Jancis Robinson:Rugged, wonderful texture, full of life and story, like the hands of an old vigneron】
森巴酒莊Domaine de Cebene Belle Lurette 這個系列用上100年樹齡的佳麗釀Carignan所以產量就特別少,年產量得2000支,每年的貨只可以限量分配給現有的合作伙伴~ Belle Lurette 用左90%南法著名的葡萄Carignan,而在 100年樹齡的佳麗釀Carignan老樹就種在酒莊門前的小山坡上,老樹種出來的葡萄能呈現個種“一體化”,Robert Parker 形容得好“No hard edges” , 好似磨滑左的角落頭~ 高樹齡能推高酒的質素,但同時亦大大降低了做酒的效率,對Brigette 追求夢想的人黎講,這些都只係必須要做的!再者,堅持有機種植亦係令森巴酒莊Domaine de Cebene的酒冇落木桶都可以做到咁細緻,咁滑的原因之一。著名女酒評家 Jancis Robinson 形容為 “ Full of life and story”, 由2016,2015,試到2013,就好似聽緊一個莊主Ms Brigitte2007年去南法實現夢想的故事……
【Jeb Dunnuck 93pts】
【Robert Parker 91pts】
【Jancis Robinson 17.5pts】
F335 - Domaine de Cebene Belle Lurette 2016 森巴酒莊
產區:France / Faugeres AOC
葡萄品種: 90% Carignan, 5% Grenache, 5% Mourvedre
特色: 人手採摘,100年樹齡
醒酒45min 狀態最佳,垂直品鑑(vertical tasting)的精髓在於同一款酒在不同年份有不同感覺,呢款Belle Lurette 絕對俾倒你~ 3支酒都冇放過木桶,但你會好意外點解都可以做倒咁滑!!!試下感受3支酒的擴張性和力度,濃郁但黎得自然,舒服!
P.S. 建議一次過試,次序由2016,2015,2013,不妨由一開始試一次,每15mins 試一次,每次都有變化
Robert Parker 91pts Wine Advocate (2016):
The Carignan-based (90%) 2016 Faugeres Belle Lurette is intense, concentrated and vibrant. Spice and garrigue notes feature prominently, joined by a mix of raspberries and cherries. This medium to full-bodied wine has a firm backbone of acidity, which gives it a firm, crisp finish. It should drink well for a decade.
Domaine de Cebene Belle Lurette 2016 – Robert Parker 91pts, Jeb Dunnuck.com 94pts
Domaine de Cebene Belle Lurette 2015 –Robert Parker 92pts, Jancis Robinson 17/20pts
Domaine de Cebene Belle Lurette 2014 –Robert Parker 89pts
Domaine de Cebene Belle Lurette 2013 –Robert Parker 93+pts, Jancis Robinson 16.5/20pts
Domaine de Cebene Belle Lurette 2012 –Robert Parker 92pts, Jancis Robinson 16.5/20pts
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