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Chateau Lagrange 2016|Saint Julien | 三級莊 |Grand Cru Classes

Chateau Lagrange 2016|Saint Julien | 三級莊 |Grand Cru Classes

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【Saint Julien產區-三級莊力關酒莊】
【Robert Parker 96 pts】
【James Suckling 95 pts】
【Vinous 94 pts】
【Wine Spectator 94 pts】
【Falstaff 92 pts】
【Cellar Tracker 92 pts】
【Wine Enthusiast 91 pts】
【Vivino 4.1】

F859 - Chateau Lagrange Grand Cru Classes 2016 Saint Julien
優惠價 $470/支
產區: France /Saint Julien/Grand Cru Classes
葡萄品種:70% Cabernet Sauvignon, 24% Merlot, 6% Petit Verdot

【James Suckling 95 pts】
The best wine from this château in many years! A huge, dramatic, blackcurrant and wild-blackberry nose and the first impression on the palate is every bit as intense. Nice acidity lifts this massive structure and keeps the imposing finish so fresh. Drink or hold. 

【Robert Parker 94-96 pts】
The 2016 Lagrange is a blend of 70% Cabernet Sauvignon, 24% Merlot and 6% Petit Verdot that is matured in 50% new oak. The yield came in at 46.5 hectoliters per hectare, lower than in 2015. It has a very well defined bouquet with intense black cherry, red plum, touches of cedar and with continued aeration, a hint of blueberry. It certainly is one of the most expressive Lagrange that I have tasted (and I write that having tasted them all back to the early 1980s). The palate is extremely well balanced with tensile tannin, vibrant and animated with blackberry, crème de cassis, a hint of orange zest. This is a great Lagrange, one that almost "zings" around the senses, barely able to contain the energy

【Vinous 94 pts】

The 2016 Lagrange has a boisterous, almostgregarious bouquet featuring layers of blackberry, boysenberry, violets andcassis scents that storm from the glass. Fortunately, it retains very goodprecision and delineation. The palate is medium-bodied with supple tannins anda fine bead of acidity. Fresh in the mouth, leading to a minerally finish; apinch of cracked black pepper lingers on the aftertaste. Superb. Tasted blindat the Southwold tasting.

【Wine Spectator 94pts】
A textbook St.-Julien, with a fleshy yet focused beam of plum, blueberry and cassis flavors striding through, while warmed anise, sweet tobacco and iron notes play backup through the finish. Mouthwatering grip will allow this to cellar nicely

【Wine Enthusiast 91 pts】
Surprisingly light for the vintage, this is an attractive, black-currant-flavored wine. It is open, with tannins integrate easily into the fruitiness. All this suggests the wine will age relatively quickly, so drink from 2024. Roger Voss


Chateau Lagrange 與 日本神級漫畫 <神之水滴>

 Chateau Lagrange (譯為 力關莊園) 位於法國波爾多的聖朱利安(Saint-Julien)產區。在1855分級(1855 Classification)中,力關莊園被評為三級莊(Third Growth)


當中神之水滴就提到 Chateau Lagrange “野心勃勃,利用年輕的力量,改變世界葡萄酒勢力範圍的時代已經來臨"

Chateau Lagrange 力關莊園

原來早係高盧-羅馬時代,力關莊園所在既土地就已被用黎開墾種植農作物。到左中世紀時期,呢片土地開始用黎種植葡萄樹,力關莊園亦在此基礎上成立,並逐漸成為當時梅多克(Medoc)地區最大既酒莊之一。18世紀時,波爾多議員布萊恩男爵(Baron de Brane)收購左力關莊園,當時佢擁有著風土優越的布萊恩木桐酒莊(Chateau Brane-Mouton),即係而家既木桐酒莊(Chateau Mouton Rothschild)。係布萊恩男爵的精心經營下,力關莊園聲名鵲起,發展逐漸進入黃金時期。1790年,航運商人讓-瓦雷爾·卡貝魯斯(Jean-Valere Cabarrus)開始投資酒莊,並不斷拓寬酒莊葡萄酒既銷售管道。酒莊的標誌性建築——一座托斯卡納風格(Tuscan-style)既塔樓由讓-瓦雷爾邀請知名建築師設計,1820年開始建造,而家已經成為酒莊酒標上的標誌。

1785年,湯瑪斯·傑弗遜(Thomas Jefferson,1801-1809年任美國總統)到訪波爾多期間曾將力關莊園評為佢心中三級莊的第二名,可見酒莊葡萄酒係幾有品質。所以力關莊園係1855年憑藉實力被評為三級莊。 

 ( Suntory Group , 日本三得利集團 . 現為Chateau Lagrange 擁有者) 

不過力關莊園係經濟危機、世界大戰等多方面因素影響之下發展減緩. 直到20世紀末,呢座歷史名莊被注入年輕的力量,迎來了全新既發展局面。呢個品牌, 如果大家去過日本既話, 應該一定會見過.就係日本既三得利株式會社(Suntory Group), 佢地係1983年收購左力關莊園,成為掌管波爾多列級莊的首家亞洲企業。

隨後企業雇請了馬塞爾·迪卡斯(Marcel Ducasse)和鈴田健二(Kenji Suzuta)來全面主持酒莊的重建工作,他們投入了大量資金來更新酒莊的釀酒設備、擴大葡萄園面積並重新種植葡萄園。2008年,酒莊的第二階段整修開啟,他們革新技術,致力於環境保護,同時釀造出最具聖朱利安風格的精緻、優雅且富有表現力的葡萄酒。

  • 總括而言 , 被日本三得利集團收購後 , Chateau Lagrange 就好似一隻 浴火重生的鳳凰




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