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酒小鬼👻+酒爸爸👨👦👦齊齊走佬去🇮🇹意大利Tuscany – 探訪酒莊I Greppi,“Bolgheri” 產區(Super Tuscan 的發源地)
最初認識呢個“Bolgheri”產區係因為Sassicaia, 在香港冇人不識的意大利酒,名莊當然仲包括Masseto,Ornellaia,郁D過$1000-$5000 不等。當親身探訪過,就感受到這區係好有潛力! 從 I Greppi 負責人Dale 得知,葡萄田近10年地價升左超過10倍,各酒莊都非常睇好這產區的發展。 I Greppi 暫時只5個人,全部都係年輕一代,2017年時看倒這Bolgheri 的潛力,決定在這裡大展拳腳!其中一名地質學家係由美國請過黎的,可見相當著重數據的分析,以下係I Greppi 的願景:
“We are a group of wine lovers, scientists, geologists, economists and horticulturalists, who think about wine making differently. Using our expertise, we look to the past, as well as the present and future, so that our wines will be constantly evolving and improving. Our understanding of the rocks and soils, the very basis of terroir, helps us to understand why the Etruscans first developed wine in this region millennia ago. Our viniculture is incorporating the newest scientific techniques and research from the Napa Valley in California, so that our wines will be continually evolving and improving. Together with the vineyard’s traditional Italian winemaking heritage, our goal is to make great taste accessible, and share our knowledge and the story behind every bottle.”
體會到酒莊係融合了加州Napa Valley的最新科學技術和研究成果,將葡萄酒不斷發展和完善, 更結合意大利葡萄酒的釀造傳統!
整個Bolgheri佔地只有1000 公頃,而I Greppi 佔地28公頃,當中14公頃仲在發展中,在Bolgheri 佔地排第10左右。
正所謂貴精不貴多,酒莊暫時只專心做好2款酒: Greppicante Bolgheri Rosso 和 Greppicaia Bolgheri Superiore,產量分別係80000支和10000支; 2款酒的葡萄都係Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon 和Cabernet Franc, 而葡萄比例不同和放木桶的時間都不一樣! 入口第一感覺係“好波爾多”,同時又帶著意大利式的狂野,第二感覺係好適合陣存,尤其係支Greppicaia Bolgheri Superiore, 我諗放10年會更好飲!
I Greppi 的酒標亦好易認,在Bolgheri 的中心地帶有2個湖,而I Greppi 的葡萄田就係圍著2個湖而種,值得一提的係,距離名莊 Ornellaia 的葡萄田,不足 0.5 KM,地形都相當接近; 海洋性氣候,離地中海亦只有5公里!
公司名稱: Wine Time Co. Ltd
恆生戶口: 369 307 806 883
中銀戶口:012 890 0012 7106
轉數快號碼:9881 7075/6082 9980
Manson酒公子 & Kelvin : 9881 7075
Jerry & Joyce : 6082 9980
Cheryl 酒小鬼 : 9359 0000
星期一至五:09:00am - 6:00pm
星期六:09:30pm - 4:30pm
電話 (852) 2545 8604
Wine Time 酒在當下酒類專門店