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Premium cava Gran Reserva 級別 | 頂級2006舊年份氣酒 香檳製法|160個月酒槽陳年|Vivino 4.2|Guilera Agosarat Brut Nature Gran Reserva Cava 2006

Premium cava Gran Reserva 級別 | 頂級2006舊年份氣酒 香檳製法|160個月酒槽陳年|Vivino 4.2|Guilera Agosarat Brut Nature Gran Reserva Cava 2006

【160個月酒槽陳年Cava Gran Reserva】
【頂級2006舊年份氣酒 香檳製法】
【Vivino 4.2 】
【遠超於最高級別的Cava de Paraje Calificado】

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一次最大商品購買數量限制為 99999



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【160個月酒槽陳年Cava Gran Reserva
【頂級2006舊年份氣酒 香檳製法】
【Vivino 4.2 】
【遠超於最高級別的Cava de Paraje Calificado】

【Guilera 吉列拉家族Premium Cava Gran Reserva 2006】

*9.59 points Guia Vins Catalunya 2020 
*Bronze Vinari 2019 Sparkling Great Vinatges 
*Gold & 95 points IWC International Wine Challenge
*Silver Decanter World Wide Awards – 91 points 
*Bronze Medal in the Vinari Awards 2018 
*9.57 points in the Guia Vins Catalunya 2019 
*Multiorgasmic – Agenda vins catalans 2019
*90 points in Guia Penin 2019

S050 - Guilera Agosarat Brut Nature Gran Reserva Cava 2006  吉列拉家族

產區/等級:Spain / Penedes
葡萄品種:  Xarel·lo,Macabeu,Parellada
甜度:Brut Nature 【No sugar addition】
酒精度: 12%
年份: 2006

It is our most daring premium cava. We explore the limits of cava: velvet acidity, ripe fruit, smokiness, toasty notes and increasing sherry hints. Ideal with powerful flavours, deep conversations and retreat moments. This cava needs time.


●Brut Nature: up to 3 g of natural sugar per litre, without added sugar 每升最高3克天然糖,不加糖

● Extra Brut: 3 - 6 g of sugar per litre 每升 3 - 6 克糖

● Brut: 6 - 12 g of sugar per litre 每升 6 - 12 克糖

● Extra Seco: 12 - 17 g of sugar per litre    每升 12 - 17 克糖

● Seco: 17 - 32 g of sugar per litre 每升 17 - 32 克糖

● Semi-Seco: 32 - 50 g of sugar per litre 每升 32 - 50 克糖

● Dulce: more than 50 g of sugar per litre 每升含糖量超過 50 克

Cava de Guarda: Minimum 9 months’ aging.至少9個月的老化。
Cava de Guarda Superior Reserva: Minimum 18 months of aging.至少18個月的老化。
Cava de Guarda Superior Gran Reserva: Minimum 30 months' aging.至少30個月的老化。
Cava de Guarda Superior de Paraje Calificado: Minimum 36 months’ aging.至少36個月的老化。
2015年,卡瓦創立了一個新的類別, 至少36個月的瓶齡的Cava de Guarda Superior de Paraje Calificado需要葡萄園由具有特殊位置和風土特徵的葡萄園生產,使葡萄園區別於其他葡萄園。這個類型的cava必須來自單一酒莊,單一年份,葡萄藤最少十歲。而這支2006年則經160個月酒槽陳年,遠超於 Cava de Paraje Calificado 陳年時間門檻!!

【Guilera 吉列拉家族】
Cava Guilera是Penedès的一家家族企業,其歷史可以追溯到1927年。該釀酒廠位於加泰羅尼亞Cava地區的心臟地帶,與Gramona和Agusti Torello Mata等頂級生產商僅相距不遠。
卡瓦·吉萊拉(Cava Guilera)有著清晰,一致的理念:這裡生產出具有特色的高品質起泡酒。因此,所有的 Cava酒都是使用傳統方法製作的(香檳造法);酵母上熟化的時間為24個月至13年。每年僅約有30,000瓶。

Pere and María
Original Guilera Artigas label
Cava Guilera when it began.
Old photo pending description

From 1972 

Isidre Guilera and Maria Sarda: 

Isidre Guilera made the first Cava Guilera bottles in 1927, when Maria Sardà and himself worked as farmers at Can Batlle. He was a self-taught man and made just a few bottles in secret. Three years later, Isidre and Maria bought the Ca l’Artigas farmhouse and became the owners. A very risky move indeed but one that proved to be a success, as in 2017 – 2018 we celebrated our 90th Anniversary.

Pere Guilera and Maria Massana: Pere and Maria continued the family project. They rebuilt the cellar, bought new machines for cava making, grew cereal crops and worked the farm. They had two children, Pere and Assumpció. Pere studied Technical Agricultural Engineering and, in 1985, he became the cellar manager. Under his management, Cava Guilera established itself as a small family-run cellar specialised in traditionally made premium cava.

Pere Guilera and Núria Rafecas: For more than 30 years, Pere devoted himself to the cellar, and with a drive to leave the Penedès in a better way than he had actually found it, he took high-responsibility positions in several institutions like Consejo Regulador del Cava, Institut del Cava, Pimecava, Aecava, Subirats Toursim Board and CEPvi, which is the main organization at the Congress of Art, Wine Landscape and Wine Tourism.

Jordi Guilera, Marta Guilera and Miguel Hileno: In January 2018 Pere assumed the presidency of Cava Guilera and assigned the executive management to his two children, Jordi and Marta. It is a change of cycle with a profile towards continuity, as Cava Guilera will continue with the tradition of long-aged cavas and sustainable cultural tourism. Consumption is a brush that exemplifies tomorrow’s society. Have a taste of us!

Premium Cava

This is the Penedès DNA and the soul of our cavas: Dry-land vineyards, 100% sustainable and close to the Mediterranean sea. We always have Xarel·lo as the backbone, well-accompanied by Macabeu and with a touch of Parellada. In Cava Guilera we like our cavas to reflect the history of our vineyards when the grape is maturing. Sun, rain, land and wind… every crop is different and we want to highlight each of the characteristics of every vintage. For this reason, we don’t age our wines in wooden barrels: only the grape and aging on its lees.

At Cava Guilera we strongly believe that cava needs time to become a Great Cava. We make a small quantity of only 30,000 bottles per year and all our cavas are aged on its lees for a minimum of 24 months for up to 13 years. All our cavas [[[ Reserva and Gran Reserva ]]] are graceful, harmonious and elegant. With a fine bubble that delicately explodes on the palate and with fruit-driven flavours that grow in intensity with the passing of the years. They are extremely gastronomic and versatile, enjoy them by the glass or with your meals.

Pere Guilera
Group photo of Cava Guilera team

Mediterranean Sea [[[ THE PENEDÈS ]]] Mountain of Montserrat. These are the paradise coordinates for winelovers and cavalovers. Penedès is a mosaic of vineyards, forests, streams, small towns and villages. A land where people passed through and that was established by the first villages in the Mediterranean. A multi-coloured collage of blues, greens, golden and toasted colours that must be handled with reasoning, communication and great sensibility.

Wine tourism in the Penedès was born with the goal of balancing the economic development and the conservation of our landscape. Then, a question was asked: If economy and landscape can go together, hand in hand, why was there confrontation? We have the history, the heritage, the gastronomy and the landscape. We have great wines and cavas. We just need to organise and collaborate with one another. More wine bars, more cava by the glass, more nights among the vineyards and more knowing smiles.

In Cava Guilera we back a model of cultural tourism, integrated, imaginative and sustainable. A tourism that helps to distribute wealth and to show that another type of tourism is possible. To always defend and safeguard the free flow of everyday life and the pleasure of living here, so those who come to visit us can enjoy authentic experiences and with great added value. Welcome to Penedès: our home, land of great cavas, fantastic landscapes and exceptional wines.

Cava Guilera是Penedes的一家家族企業,其歷史可以追溯到1927年。該釀酒廠位於加泰羅尼亞Cava地區的心臟地帶,與Gramona和Agusti Torello Mata等頂級生產商僅相距不遠。
卡瓦·吉萊拉(Cava Guilera)有著清晰,一致的理念:這裡生產出具有特色的高品質起泡酒。因此,所有的 Cava酒都是使用傳統方法製作的(香檳造法);酵母上熟化的時間為24個月至13年。每年僅約有30,000瓶。

【遠超於 Cava de Paraje Calificado 陳年時間門檻】
相較無年份香檳陳年最少15個月及年份香檳最少3年,cava的陳年相對較短,一般只需最少9個月酒槽(lees)陳釀,而Reserva及Gran Reserva則最少15個月及最少30個月。而2017年才出現的有Cava de Paraje Calificado,這個類型的cava必須來自單一酒莊,單一年份,葡萄藤最少十歲,而完成二次發酵後最少陳年36個月。



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