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Chateau Marquis D Alesme|碧加侯爵酒莊|三級莊

Chateau Marquis D Alesme|碧加侯爵酒莊|三級莊


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Third Growths Grand Cru Classes
【大師級飛行釀酒師 Michel Rolland 擔任顧問】

F1624 - Chateau Marquis D Alesme 2010

【James Suckling 94】
【Wine Spectator 91】
【Vivino 4.0】

產區/等級: France / Margaux / Grand Cru Classes
陳存 :  45% 新法國桶,14個月陳存
嚐飲筆記: 酒色澤美妙,介於石榴紅和紫紅色之間,香氣馥鬱且富有表現力,散發著醋栗、黑櫻桃、李子、黑莓和醋栗等果香,伴有泥土和煙草等複雜風味,口感柔順多汁,富有活力,單寧堅實而絲滑,悠長純淨的餘味中夾雜著豐富的風味,結構精良,陳年潛力出色


F1624A - Chateau Marquis d'Alesme Becker 2017 Margaux

【Jeb Dunnuck 94】
【Wine Advocate 93】
【Vinous 93】
【The Wine Cellar Insider 93】
【Decanter 92】
【Wine Spectator 92】
【James Suckling 91】
【Falstaff 91】
【Vivino 4.2】

產區/等級: France / Margaux / Grand Cru Classes
葡萄:61% Cabernet Sauvignon, 33% Merlot, 6% Petit Verdot
陳存 :  45% 新法國桶,14個月陳存

Chateau Marquis d'Alesme Becker(碧加侯爵酒莊)是法國波爾多Margaux產區的頂級酒莊,在1855年分級中,酒莊被評為了三級酒莊。

據記載,Chateau Marquis d'Alesme Becker由 Francois d'Alesme 創建於1585年,1616年開始開墾葡萄園,具有非常悠久的歷史。18世紀,Francois d'Alesme的後人——波爾多貴族 Marquis d'Alesme 接手酒莊,他熱愛東方文化,認為美酒源於藝術,在他的精心打造下,Chateau Marquis d'Alesme Becker 的成名之路開啟。1810年, Jean Bekker-Terrlink 入主酒莊,他對中國文化十分著迷,這也對酒莊的文化氛圍產生了顯著的影響,如今酒莊的許多裝飾設計及花園景觀都可覓得東方元素。Jean Bekker-Terrlink 還將自己名字中間的“Bekker”衍生為“Becker”加入到了原酒莊名中,並一直沿用至今。1853年, Sznajderski 家族入酒莊,兩年後,酒莊獲評1855三級莊

在之後的150餘年裡,酒莊幾經易主,其中包括 Chateau Lascombes 的擁有者 Jean-Jules Theophile Chaix-d'Est- Ange 和英國 WH Chaplin & Co. Ltd.。可想而知酒莊的表現也相當不理想,變成乏人問津被市場遺忘的酒莊。一位資金雄厚的Hubert Perrado先生在2006年買下本酒莊,卻在不久之後不幸在一場滑雪意外中過世,而由他的女兒Nathalie Perrodo接管,讓本酒莊有一個浴火重生般的新開始。2010年起展開酒莊全面更新的計畫:葡萄園經過重新規劃,調整了種植葡萄品種的比例,高達4成的葡萄樹重種;建造新的酒窖、引進新的釀酒設備,並聘請世界知名的Michel Rolland 來當顧問。酒莊的新建築在2015年落成,由於Nathalie Perrodo有一半的中國血統(她的母親是香港人),因此酒窖裡採用了許多中國元素的設計,獨特而嶄新的酒窖建築被讚賞推崇是現在Margaux區最值得參觀的酒莊;而為了讓消費者更容易記住酒莊的名字,酒莊又更名為簡潔的Marquis d’Alesme (酒瓶前標已經改為Marquis d’Alesme,但是背標卻還標示為Marquis d’Alesme Becker)


Jeb Dunnuck 94

The 2017 is based on 61% Cabernet Sauvignon, 33% Merlot, and the rest Petit Verdot that spent 18 months in 65% new French oak, with the balance in a mix of 1-4-year-old barrels. Inky hued with stunning notes of cassis, ground herbs, tobacco, chocolate, and smoked earth, it hits the palate with a full-bodied, concentrated texture, ripe tannins, and a solid spine of acidity. This backward, unevolved 2017 has all the right components but needs 5-7 years of bottle age.

Wine Advocate 93

Deep garnet-purple in color, it has a very serious, classic nose of warm cassis, cedar chest, pencil lead and fragrant earth with wafts of violets and dark chocolate. Medium-bodied, it has a solid backbone of firm, ripe, grainy tannins and a muscular mid-palate of tightly wound layers, delivering lovely purity and great length.

Vinous 93

The 2017 Marquis d'Alesme is a powerful, dark Margaux. Black cherry, plum, creme de cassis, tobacco, leather,menthol, espresso and tobacco accents add to the wine's decidedly potent feel. Ample and creamy on the palatethe 2017 shows the important presence of Merlot in the blend, which among other things, gives a real sense ofimmediacy.

The Wine Cellar Insider 93

Blending 61% Cabernet Sauvignon, 33% Merlot and 6%, Petit Verdot, the wine quickly shows off its floral essence with black cherry and spice box notes. Sweet and fresh, the wine is full bodied, soft, refined and displays its freshness and ripe cherries with a bit of cocoa just as you approach the endnote. The wine reached 13.5% alcohol.

Decanter 92

Rich in colour, with spicy cinnamon and black pepper notes followed by a silky texture in the mouth with good persistency. It's a success in the vintage, layered and appealing with a gourmet dash of grilled oak. It's confident and extends its hand, with a nod to Margaux typicity.

Wine Spectator 92

Dark cherry and plum compote flavors are well-rendered, backed by licorice root, black tea and singed alder notes. The structure is fine-grained, letting the fruit linger before a light sanguine element chimes in at the very end.

James Suckling 91

There’s strong drive here with rich aromas of dark berries and cassis, as well as blueberries. The palate has a bold build of quite fine, firm tannin that carries long, even and true.



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