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Tenuta Buon Tempo Brunello di Montalcino Riserva

Tenuta Buon Tempo Brunello di Montalcino Riserva


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【意大利Brunello di Montalcino Riserva DOCG】
【100% Sangiovese葡萄釀造】

Tenuta Buon Tempo Brunello di Montalcino Riserva

產區:Italy / Tuscany/Brunello di Montalcino DOCG  
葡萄品種:100% Sangiovese


WI235 - Tenuta Buon Tempo Brunello di Montalcino Riserva 2010
優惠價: $678/支 (3支送貨)

產區:Italy / Tuscany/Brunello di Montalcino DOCG  
葡萄品種:100% Sangiovese
特色陳釀:36個月法國橡木桶+瓶中陳存18 個月

【James Suckling 97 pts】
 Incredible richness and decadence with crushed sangiovese, fresh herb and spice aromas and flavors. A full body enveloped in round and silky tannins. Chewy and powerful. So much structure to this. Superb fruit and intensity. Give this time.

【Robert Parker 91 pts】
The 2010 Brunello di Montalcino Riserva occupies a good position in the Brunello quality pyramid with other wines that are very similar in style and temperament. This wine shows a slightly softer side to this powerful vintage with dark cherry, blackberry, sweet spice, leather and tobacco. What does stand out here, however, is the firmness of the wine in the mouth. The tannins are evident and young and will require a few more years of bottle aging.

【Wine Enthusiast 91 pts】
Aromas of sunbaked earth, leather, dried plum, toast and grilled herb take shape in the glass. The smooth full-bodied palate shows dried black cherry, raspberry jam and a hint of baking spice set against fine-grained tannins.

【James Suckling 97 pts】
【Robert Parker 91 pts】
【Wine Enthusiast 91 pts】
【Vivino 4.2星】


I235A-Tenuta Buon Tempo Brunello di Montalcino Riserva 2012
優惠價: $595/支 (3支送貨)

產區:Italy / Tuscany/Brunello di Montalcino DOCG  
葡萄品種:100% Sangiovese
特色陳釀:36個月法國橡木桶+瓶中陳存18 個月

【James Suckling 94 pts】
 Welcome to the Brunello deep end! Very ripe red fruit nose with floral touches that balance the serious, dry tannins. The finish is very long and rather delicate. Drink or hold.

【Wine Enthusiast 91 pts】
Aromas of spiced blueberry, French oak, coconut and truffle mingle together in the glass along with a balsamic note. On the chewy, robust palate, tightly knit close-grained support ripe Marasca cherry, licorice and tobacco. Notes of dried mint and saline back up the finish. Drink after 2022

【James Suckling 94 pts】
【Wine Enthusiast 91 pts】
【Vivino 4.2】


【Tenuta Buon Tempo】

Tenuta Buon Tempo 是位於Montalcino領土最南端的一個莊園,靠近 Castelnuovo dell’Abate,該地區專門從事葡萄種植。酒莊名寓意這個壯麗地區的宜人和平與寧靜,Buon Tempo 在意大利語中是“美好時光”的意思。

Tenuta Buon Tempo 佔地 26 公頃,其中 12 公頃作為葡萄園種植。其中約 5 公頃專門用於 Brunello di Montalcino。酒每年生產 65,000 瓶 Rosso di Montalcino 和 Brunello di Montalcino,以及非常少量且經過精心挑選的 Brunello Riserva 年份酒。酒莊的承諾是釀造出能夠充分體現Montalcino地區獨特風土條件的優質葡萄酒。唯一種植的葡萄品種是Sangiovese ,因為它是Montalcino典型特徵的最佳表達,也是其最負盛名的葡萄酒Rosso和Brunello的唯一品種。

【Brunello di Montalcino】

Brunello di Montalcino 被認為是意大利最好的產區之一。 Brunello di Montalcino DOCG 位於Tuscany中南部,位於Chianti下方,由Sangiovese克隆釀製而成,稱為“brunello”,意思是“小黑”,指的是葡萄皮中的棕色調。與一些允許其他葡萄與Sangiovese混合的Tuscany產區不同,Brunello di Montalcino完全是Sangiovese。Montalcino本身是一個風景如畫的山頂小鎮,直到 19 世紀中才以葡萄酒生產而聞名,當時當地的一位葡萄園所有者分離出Brunello克隆並種植了它。其他種植者也紛紛效仿。然而直到 1970 年代,葡萄酒愛好者才開始關注 Brunello di Montalcino,當時它已成為一款出色的葡萄酒。如今,DOCG 擁有 120 個莊園,而 1975 年大約有 25 個莊園。Brunello通常比Chianti或大多數其他Sangiovese酒更濃郁、更黑、單寧更強、更強勁。根據法律,它們必須陳釀四年,其中兩年必須在木桶中陳釀。而最高級別的Brunello di Montalcino Riserva (酒款產量少需求高)必須在橡木桶中陳放至少2年以上,瓶中陳放至少6个月,Riserva則需在採收後的第6年才能上市出售。


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