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【Robert Parker 91】
【Wine Spetator 90】
【Vivino 4.2】
【黎巴嫩酒王Chateau Musar】
L005 - Chateau Musar 2004
單支價: $498/支
產區/等級: Lebanon / Bekaa Valley
葡萄品種:, 34% Cabernet Sauvignon, 33%Cinsault, 33% Carignan
酒精度: 13.5%
Chateau Musar 2004呈深酒紅色,帶有成熟水果、李子、櫻桃、無花果、肉桂和丁香的香氣。口感帶有豐富的黑色和紅色水果的口感,李子和烏梅主導,同時帶有石榴,烤櫻桃和聖誕香料。2004是濃郁而強勁的年份,單寧細膩柔滑,餘味辛辣溫暖。
- 黎巴嫩酒王Chateau Musar果然有著法國波爾多名莊的影子,雖然葡萄一樣,不同年份出品的個性都不一樣,確係好令人其待!
- 年份有返咁上下,加上酒莊刻意無做“過濾”,有酒渣是常識吧!
- 差不多20年的酒塞係會較脆弱,開酒時要用陰力慢慢開呀!
【Rober Parker91】
“The 2004 Chateau Musar is an equal blend of Cabernet Sauvignon,Carignan and Cinsault. This is a rather civilized, laid back Musar. Thecomplicated aging process is best described by the winery: “The wines spentnine months in cement vats and then a year in French Nevers oak barrels and thefinal blend of Cabernet Sauvignon, Cinsault and Carignan rested for anothernine months in vats before being bottled?“ The winery describes this as aonce-in-a-decade vintage where a heat wave caused notable increases in sugarcontent in a short time. I sometimes find that is a dangerous description ofvineyard conditions with many risks for a winery, but it seems to have turnedout well. If you’re comparing, it adds two layers of depth to the 2007 Hochar,although it is quite elegant and graceful in its own right. Most importantly,it has more of an obvious backbone even though it is late-released. Itsbalance, combining the nice fruit, elegant mid-palate, persistent finish andbackbone, gives it a tightly wound, precise and focused demeanor. The tanninsare not completely integrated, but not overly hard. They provided some welcomegrip and vibrancy and never overwhelmed the wine. In the long run, they shouldserve this wine in good stead. Overall, it is an exceptionally graceful,somewhat modern and restrained Musar, bright, with that silky texture I saw inthe Hochar reviewed this issue, while adding those layers of concentration. Thecherry on top is the intensity of fruit flavor – bursts of delicious and juicyfruit on the finish, admittedly nuanced by some of the gamey notes I see hereso often. Call it raspberry flavored, though, because the fruit is delicious.The gamey notes were in fact moderate and, at least for my taste, not an issue.As this rather subtle Musar aired out, I liked it more and more. I’ve hadMusars that were bigger, burlier, more rustic and more astringent. Here, thesubtle start was unremarkable, but it gathered steam, showed remarkable finesseand then won me over. This will certainly do better with food. Drink now-2021.”
【Wine Spetator90】
“A succulent red, with red currant,dark cherry and dried raspberry flavors that are well-spiced. Sandalwood andcream accents linger on the rich and silky finish, revealing notes of hotstone. Drink now. – KM”
傳說中黎巴嫩的酒王Chateau Musar,由1975-1990年經歷黎巴嫩戰火連綿,Musar掌舵人Serge憑著他的毅力,帶領著酒莊工人冒著槍林彈雨下,釀製出足以傲視同行的佳釀。在1984年,更被《Decanter Magazine》推選為首位「Man of the Year」,以表揚莊主Serge在炮火戰亂之下,仍能將黎巴嫩古老的釀酒文化發揚光大!!Chateau Musar是2006年在黎巴嫩首家獲得葡萄園有機認證的酒莊,葡萄園坐落在海拔3000英尺高的山峰上,寧靜美麗的Bekaa Valley每年有着300天的陽光,葡萄園受益於涼爽的夜晚和季節性溫度(冬天經常下雪,夏天可能會很熱),從而延長葡萄的成熟期。廣泛的土壤類型導致葡萄酒的獨特性和複雜度。其紅酒是用波爾多葡萄品種Cabernet Sauvignon、Cinsault 和Carignan混釀而成的,獨立的水泥槽中在30℃下發酵,在葡萄採摘六個月後轉入法國Nevers橡木桶中陳年1年。然後瓶陳1年後,不同葡萄品種在水泥槽中進行混合,以反映當年的優勢和個性特徵。混合之後再放在酒窖里繼續瓶陳3至4年,裝瓶時既不下膠也不過濾。經過七年時間,才能上市,確係非常有誠意,亦見倒莊主對品質的執著
官方網站: https://chateaumusar.com/
1989 年,在法國著名美食指南 - 高勒米羅葡萄酒指南(Gault Millau Wine Guide)舉辦的盲品中,1980 年份的Chateau Musar紅酒一舉擊敗法國酒王Chateau Petrus(柏圖斯),震驚四座!
1984年,Serge Hochar更被「Decanter Magazine」推選為首位「Man of the Year」,以表揚莊主Serge在炮火戰亂之下,仍能將黎巴嫩古老的釀酒文化發揚光大!
公司名稱: Wine Time Co. Ltd
恆生戶口: 369 307 806 883
中銀戶口:012 890 0012 7106
轉數快號碼:9881 7075/6082 9980
Manson酒公子 & Kelvin : 9881 7075
Jerry & Joyce : 6082 9980
Cheryl 酒小鬼 : 9359 0000
星期一至五:09:00am - 6:00pm
星期六:09:30pm - 4:30pm
電話 (852) 2545 8604
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