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【Mitolo - G.A.M. Shiraz 系列】
G.A.M. Shiraz是Mitolo酒莊的旗艦酒款之一。G.A.M. 代表 Mitolo家族中3位小孩的Gemma、Alexander和Marco的簡稱。酒款的果味濃郁,擁有黑加侖子、藍莓、黑胡椒、豆蔻、茴香和烘焙香料的風味,以及咖啡和可可豆的香氣。單寧柔順。恰到好處的橡木味相互融合。而酒標印上拉丁文的格言” Honor Nostrum Liverorum Pulchrum.” 意思指”紀念我們的家族傳承”, 與GAM的含義呼應。
酒款選用單一葡萄園 - Lopresti Home Block Vineyard的葡萄釀製,葡萄位於Willunga和Aldinga,緊鄰聖文森特灣。土壤以灰黑色的Biscay (比斯開) 黏土爲主,位於沖積恩加爾廷加地層之上。海風調節了白天的熱量。良好的風土條件令葡萄酒擁有良好的深度和濃郁度。
【Wine Companion 94 pts】【James Suckling 94 pts】
【Robert Parker 93 pts】 【Vinous 92 pts】【Vivino 4.1】
A046 - Mitolo G.A.M. Shiraz 2019 (Cork closure)
產區:Australia/ McLaren Vale
葡萄品種: 100% Shiraz
【Robert Parker 93 pts】
The 2019 GAM Shiraz is a classic McLaren Shiraz: it is chocolaty, textural and fleshy and sourced from Whites Valley—a tiny pocket. The softness in the mouth becomes more clear once we know there is a little bit of American oak in the maturation mix. This is plush and intense, bloody and ferrous yet quite fine through the finish. It is earthy and open-knit. Smart. Savory.
【Jeb Dunnuck 95 pts】【Robert Parker 93 pts】【Natalie Maclean 93 pts】
【James Suckling 92 pts】
A046B - Mitolo G.A.M. Shiraz 2015 (Screw Cap)
三支優惠價: 228/支
產區:Australia/ McLaren Vale
葡萄品種: 100% Shiraz
Deeper and richer than the 2014, the 2015 Shiraz G.A.M. (which represents the initials of the Mitolo children) offers a smokin’ good bouquet of mulled spices, chocolate, salted caramel, and licorice. This flows to a ripe, full-bodied, opulent Shiraz that has terrific depth of fruit, a layered mid-palate, sweet tannin, and a clean, balanced style that will evolve nicely for a decade or more.
Hints of menthol and toasty French oak accentuate the plums and mulberries on the nose of the 2015 GAM Shiraz. This is full-bodied, plush and rich on the palate, showing off the creamy texture and plush tannins of ripe McLaren Vale fruit. Hints of potpourri and dried spices linger on the long finish, adding complexity into the mix. In short, this beauty has it all.
A red wine beast produced from mostly Shiraz wine grapes from the Chinese Block Vineyard in south McLaren Vale. Full on ripe black cherry, mulberry and chocolate, rich and concentrated. Pour with a Porterhouse steak. Tannins are fine-grained.
Some tarry aromas with dark plum paste, chocolate panforte and biscuity spices. The palate is very succulent, gently grainy and fruit-soaked. The plums rule the finish.
【Mitolo – 米多羅酒莊】
莊主兼酒莊創辦人 - Frank Mitolo與他的家族事業ComitFarm是南半球最大的馬鈴薯與洋蔥包裝運輸廠商。1999年,Frank Mitolo 與妻子Simone 酒莊創立Mitolo酒莊,是一家相當年輕的澳洲酒莊。Frank Mitolo特別強調每個葡萄品種的個性,認為應捨棄既有主流風味:打破澳洲葡萄酒的刻板印象。每款酒的風格直接而明顯,透過不同葡萄園區塊的細微差別,釀出兼具「義式靈巧內斂」與「澳式濃厚飽滿」的均衡完滿風味。
值得一提的是,自2000年,Mitolo酒莊與澳洲極具名氣的釀酒師Ben Glaetzer合作,聯手打造Mitolo 各款系列。Ben Glaetzer的得意之作包括 Amon – Ra (蒼弓之眼) Shriaz,Amon – Ra 曾經獲得Robert Parker 100分 滿分殊榮。他主理的酒款向來有著果香濃厚但絕不花巧的風格。在Mitolo的酒款亦有著相似的風格。
圖:Ben Glaetzer (左), Frank Mitolo (右)
酒莊和葡萄園坐落在McLaren Vale,擁有地中海氣候、複雜的土壤和不同的海拔高度,是錯綜複雜的葡萄酒產區,非常適合種植許多國際品種和許多義大利原生品種。Mitolo的葡萄幾乎全部來產區内的Sellicks Hill 和Aldinga的葡萄園。Sellicks Hill擁有肥沃的土壤、而且陽光充足。Aldinga靠近海岸,受到海灣的涼爽海風影響。這些優秀的風土條件,賦予了葡萄酒非常豐富的果味,同時保留了不錯的酸度。
酒莊所種植的葡萄酒除了McLaren Vale 當地極具名氣的Cabernet Sauvignon、Shiraz 和其他國際品種外,亦有意大利的原生品種Sangiovese、Montepulciano、Sagrantino。各酒款多年來獲得Robert Parker90分以上的殊榮。質素相當有保證。Robert Parker形容:『以一間1999年才成立的年輕酒莊來說,米多羅致力於手工精釀的巧奪天工酒款,在每一次品嘗過程中,總是能讓我驚艷並且為我帶來更多的啟發。』
公司名稱: Wine Time Co. Ltd
恆生戶口: 369 307 806 883
中銀戶口:012 890 0012 7106
轉數快號碼:9881 7075/6082 9980
Manson酒公子 & Kelvin : 9881 7075
Jerry & Joyce : 6082 9980
Cheryl 酒小鬼 : 9359 0000
星期一至五:09:00am - 6:00pm
星期六:09:30pm - 4:30pm
電話 (852) 2545 8604
Wine Time 酒在當下酒類專門店